Almost There

My search for the tools in Vivado and Quartus has come to an end. After three days of unsuccessful attempts to track down the processes while running Vivado and find the tools for each part of the design flow, I have given up and decided to resort to tcl commands Read more…

Searching for the Right Tools

This week, I was focused on finding tools for FPGA boards besides the Ice40 (Lattice ECP5, Xilinx Series 7, and Intel Cyclone V). My starting point was my supervisor’s suggestion to look at project Trellis, X-Ray, and Mistral for each of the boards respectively. Out of the three projects, project Read more…

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Getting Started

During my second week of internship, I encountered two unexpected surprises concerned with the project I was given. My project was the continuation of what another intern, Jun Wen, was working on. It was the development of a web application that would simplify the programming of different models of FPGAs. Read more…

Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash

Final Week

This will be my last week of internship in Aeste. I finished up my work on code refactoring. As this will be the last blog entry from me, I would like to write on the learnings and reflections throughout this internship.  I have obtained various technical skills, namely  Git version Read more…

Slight Obstacles

I spent almost the whole week on code refactoring. It is a process which takes up quite a lot of time as much thinking is needed to optimize the code for easier maintenance in the future. My progress on refactoring was satisfactory, except for a small part where I am Read more…

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Start of Internship

I am Myeong Jin, a first year engineering student working as an intern in Aeste. As this is my first experience in internship or any sort of working environment, I am excited to learn as much as I can for the next 10 weeks and upgrade my abilities. The first Read more…


This week, I started on refactorising the software code. The main purpose of refactoring is due to the current large chuck of repeating codes in different files. Thus, my responsibility is to refactor these codes into a single separate component file, which will then be included in all subsequent user Read more…

One Month Milestone

In the previous week, there was a bug on a sorting algorithm for the user interface. As I didn’t have enough time to fix it for the event last week, I carried on fixing it this week. I managed to sort it out in one day and did the necessary Read more…

First Try

Since the music competition where the web application will be put into use is approaching, I am more focused on deployment during this week. At the end of last week, I was done with developing the web application based on the client’s requirements.   I also set up a virtual Read more…

Photo by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Gearing Up

At the beginning of the week, my supervisor showed me the way to set up the previous version of the web application that I am working on. To summarise the whole process, I have to follow a few steps: Import a .tsv input file into the database, Set up a Read more…