Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Pressing Brakes

This week was rather unproductive in the sense that I made no apparent progress towards any of my designs. But saying this whole week was a waste wouldn’t be accurate either as I have made some progress, albeit in a different sense. Creating a small Single Page Application with a Read more…

Making Progress

This week went somewhat productive with my being able to add additional functionality to the overall app and finishing up the UI for one client base entirely and nearly completely finishing another. Since this week I mostly had to deal with UI designing I had to extensively go through the Read more…

Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Hitting Turbulence

This 5th week of my internship went a little slow and underwhelming. Hurdles and retractions delayed progress and what should have been easily fixable edits ended up taking substantial amounts of my time every single day. The previous week I had covered some distance with regards to my project but Read more…

Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Warming Up

For my second week of internship I started off by completing the design of the PouchDB Database Schema and finalizing its documentation. With some supervision and minor tweaks, I was able to finish up this task at the start of the week. My internship project for these upcoming several weeks Read more…

Photo by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Gearing Up

At the beginning of the week, my supervisor showed me the way to set up the previous version of the web application that I am working on. To summarise the whole process, I have to follow a few steps: Import a .tsv input file into the database, Set up a Read more…

Hands-On Work

This is my second week of internship at Aeste. Last week, I spent most of my time learning a JavaScript framework — Vue which is essential in developing reactive web applications. This week, I’ll be applying the knowledge in practical, which I believe is the way for me to improve! Read more…

Photo by Fabian Grohs on Unsplash

Uneventful Week

There is nothing much to be said for this week, but I’ll try my best as I can. Basically time for this week was spent addressing minor UI issues in my project. One of it was making my carousel component to be a bit more generic, so that it could Read more…

Spring Cleaning Part 6

So a few things were done for this week, which I will talk about one by one. First of all, the boost::json thread safety issue is finally resolved. The issue was that the #define BOOST_SPIRIT_THREADSAFE directive needs to be defined in every single source file that includes the property tree Read more…