RNG & Hid_Key

This week I finished the HOTP function which uses MD5 hashing to generate a 6 digit code. The secret key used for the HOTP is generated in a separate function, using the MPLAB X built in TRNG (true random number generator) library. As for the configuration bitstream, it will be Read more…

Communication Protocols

This week I continued to study further on the topic of Wishbone signals and also communication protocols. I tried creating testbenches for available codes that had been designed to observe the waveform output but failed to compile it because there were errors. Dr. Shawn pointed out that it was due Read more…

Second Week of Internship

This week I was assigned a few tasks by Dr. Shawn. The first one is to familiarize myself with tools such as Emacs and GTKwave. Emacs is a handy text editor which are extensible and can also be customized. Meanwhile, GTKwave is a tool for viewing and analyzing waves. I Read more…


This week I worked on the HMAC-based one-time password (HOTP) key which is used to encrypt the message. The encryption is achieved using a key and a counter. The HOTP code is based on a work done by one of the previous interns. As Dr. Shawn pointed out, the main Read more…

Final Touches

With Monday and Wednesday being public holidays, one could say that this was a pretty short week. Continuing with the tasks from last week, I had most of the work done on Tuesday and Thursday, setting up new pages, enhancing already implemented features, such as the “date picker” and “auto Read more…

Second Meeting

Started off this week trying to finish off my work from the previous one, whereas I was making some progress, it wasn’t fast enough and I couldn’t see myself being capable of finishing things off before the deadline, that being, the client meeting. I had managed to set up the Read more…

PCB Fiducial Markings

This week I tried solving the problem I was facing with putting the FPGA in configuration mode, which I have also explained in my blog last week. The main issue is that after TCPIP_STACK from Harmony Configurator is initialised, pin D0 will not be configurable anymore. I have tried reading Read more…