Deploying ServerApplication

The fourth week saw me working on the ServerApplication from the Poco library. This system I am working on is a background process that will monitor and wait for the appropriate changes before actions are taken. First, I worked on pulling changes corresponding to events while ignoring other types of changes, then checking the event’s status. If its status reads stop, I pull all the performance documents corresponding to the stopped event. For each performance, I then grab all the Read more…

Hitting Turbulence

This 5th week of my internship went a little slow and underwhelming. Hurdles and retractions delayed progress and what should have been easily fixable edits ended up taking substantial amounts of my time every single day. The previous week I had covered some distance with regards to my project but that came along with simplifications and hard-coding on my part which I believed could be resolved easily and quickly later on that proved sadly to be more time consuming than Read more…

Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash
Photo by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Third Week Updates

For the third week, I start with familiarizing myself with carrying out create, read, update and delete operations on the CouchDB database. This involves sending HTTP requests using the Poco library. I learnt to use the “If-Match” header to retrieve a document’s revision so that I can perform update operations more easily, instead of having to retrieve the revision each time I want to update a document. Also when sending new requests, it is good to reuse the request that Read more…

Picking up the Pace

Approaching the end of this fourth week I can say that the time for relaxation and learning is long gone and that for doing and developing is nigh. This week was by far the most productive I have had since the start of my internship mainly because I managed to get a small, albeit substantial part, of my project completed. I have designed 1 out of the 5 User Interfaces that are due for submission by mid August and although Read more…

Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Vue, Vuetify, and Vuex – a tale of three sisters

For this third week of my internship I had the opportunity to get my hands dirty with coding by writing up my first program for one of the UIs and then testing it out by connecting to a remote PouchDB Database for Data fetching and Data creation. The PouchDB Database can then be synchronized to allow bilateral communication to ensure the client and server both contain the latest states of data. However, the limelight for this last week rests on Read more…

Continuing with Poco

During the second week, I worked on my assigned project and also received kind guidance from Dr Shawn whenever I’m stuck. My project involves processing final scores of participants in a competition. This calls for pulling data from a CouchDB database after all the marks by judges are dialed in, or simply after the competition has closed. The Poco library is used. I start by writing some code to fetch data from the server. To do so, I use the Read more…

Photo by Charles Deluvio 🇵🇭🇨🇦 on Unsplash
Photo by Giorgio Tomassetti on Unsplash

First Steps

At the start of the internship, I studied Git more in-depth. I appreciate that it will be a valuable tool later on for my projects, such as providing a means of version control. I was given clear briefing about my projects early on by Dr Shawn. My project involves a competition where participants are judged by some judges, and the final award given by a head judge. Thus I am tasked to implement a system whereby I try to reduce Read more…

Warming Up

For my second week of internship I started off by completing the design of the PouchDB Database Schema and finalizing its documentation. With some supervision and minor tweaks, I was able to finish up this task at the start of the week. My internship project for these upcoming several weeks revolves around developing an App for one of the projects Aeste has been involved in for the past couple of years. I have been tasked with using the Vue framework Read more…

Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Touching Ground Running

My name is Uzair and I am a third year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student. Today marks the 6th official day since I began my internship at Aeste. Coming from an engineering background, I was given study material that took about 6 weeks to complete prior to the commencement of my internship. Yet still, from my very first day of office, I could tell that I have a long way to go and far too much to learn before I Read more…

Preserving LVM Cache

While there are a lot of examples that describe how to set up a LVM cache on an SSD for a HDD backed storage, they mostly fail to describe an additional step needed to preserve the cache across a reboot on a Ubuntu system. The culprit is that the drivers needed to enable the LVM cache are not built into the kernel, nor available in the initrd. Therefore, these drivers need to be added to the initrd. Additionally, some cache Read more…