Time was passing really fast and this was the eighth week of internship. In this week I was working on a Wishbone RAM.

To start off, I had to understand the mechanism of a dual port RAM. The dual port RAM fundamentally consisted of an instruction port (read only) and a read/write port. An address of 0x00000000 would be passed into the instruction port whereas 0x80000000 would be passed into the read/write port. However, they should have the same data and the data would be stored at the least significant bit (LSB) of the address. 

In addition, I would have to create a Wishbone RAM. The Wishbone RAM acted as a wrapper and four dual port RAMs should be instantiated within this wrapper, as a total of 32-bit data would be passed into the Wishbone RAM. On the other hand, the depth, as well as the address line, would be determined based on the file size generated. Hence, the address line would be the parameter of the Wishbone RAM. To instantiate four dual port RAMs at one time, I used an AUTO_TEMPLATE as shown below.

/* dpsram AUTO_TEMPLATE(
.adr_i(adr_i), .dat_i(dat_i[@”(+ (* 8 @) 7)”:@”(* 8 @)”]), .wre_i(wr_en),
.xadr_i(xadr_i), .xdat_i(dat_i[@”(+ (* 8 @) 7)”:@”(* 8 @)”]), .xwre_i(1’b0),
.clk_i(clk_i), .ena_i(sel_i[@]),
) ;

Furthermore, I had to design the wiring for signals within the Wishbone RAM so that it could give accurate results. The signals were required to be wired directly from the Master to minimise the processing time. Multiplexers were used to ensure that the correct signals were passed into the output signals.

Moreover, two registers were created to indicate acknowledgement signals of instruction and read/write ports respectively. The two registers would be asserted when there was an input of strobe and negated after one clock cycle. When the acknowledgment signal for read/write was asserted, data could be passed into the Wishbone RAM and it could be read afterwards. However, when the acknowledgment signal for instruction was asserted, data could only be read from the RAM and storing data into the RAM was not possible.

As a result, a timing diagram for the Wishbone RAM could be obtained. 0x80000010 was passed to stored data 0xABCDEF12 into the dual port SRAMs and 0x00000010 was passed to read the data. A total of two clock cycles were required for the whole process. The following timing diagram showed a SINGLE READ/WRITE cycle.

It was also possible to have two inputs of addresses and data could be read from the two addresses at a later time. 0x80000010 and 0x80000020 were passed to stored data 0xABCDEF12 and 0x0000FFFF respectively into the dual port SRAMs. In addition, 0x00000010 and 0x00000020 were passed to read the respective data from the SRAMs. This process was demonstrated in the timing diagram below.

In conclusion, the Wishbone RAM was completed and I would start to work on generating a single top level design Verilog file next week.


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