The Final Week in AESTE

This week, the work goes to some optimization of the demosaic core, and some analysis to be done. The Removal of RAM Previously, I had mentioned in my previous blog that, to use RAM to delay the signal, when it is extremely large cycle to be delayed with. My supervisor Read more…

Demosaic: Software vs Hardware

This week, the real comparison starts, to identify how much faster the demosaic core is, compared to software implementation. Software Implementation of Demosaic Previously, I had finished the software implementation of demosaicing for various demosaic algorithm, and tested them in Darktable software. The darktable software is very convenient because it Read more…

PCB design is NOT easy!

This is my fourteen week in AESTE with Schematic done proceeding to PCB design about 50% done. The PCB design is a Four-layer board, signal -ground – power – signal. I am pretty thankful and grateful to be able to do PCB design, the main reason is because to me, Read more…

Wt: Code restructuring

In Aeste, we learn something new every day, except for weekends, because we don’t work on weekends :). Dr. Shawn was here for a few days and it was nice to have his guidance and insights on things. The past weeks I have worked on the project, I kept adding Read more…

Wt: A Project Manager 2

This week has been a roller-coaster ride for me. There were times when Wt just refused to be a good sport, times when we made great and wonderful progress and also times when I thought Wt wronged me, but turned out I did not understand it enough. As usualy, I Read more…

Demosaic Core on Zedboard

Finally, after weeks of working on the demosaic core on software simulation, the real hardware implementation starts! The week went with the couple of frustrations on debugging the Xilinx PlanAhead tool, and the excitement on implementation of demosaic core on FPGA. 😆 😆 😆 Using Zedboard to Test the Core This is the first Read more…

Shooting Troubles #3

Continue from the previous blogs, this blog focus on debugging the upcoming errors that may be faced on while using the Zedboard. These errors are the bugs from the Xilinx PlanAhead 14.4, 2012 late version, working on Ubuntu 14.4 operating system. XPSGuiSessionLock Error Initially, I was following the Zedboard CTT ISE 14.4 Read more…

PIC32MZ PPS feature

This is my thirteen week in AESTE. Getting closer and closer to the end of my internship~  This week I continue with drawing Schematic. 😴 💤 💩 😈 👿 👹 👺 💀 👻 👽 🙌 👏 👋 👍 👊 ✊ ✌️ 👌 ✋ 💪 🙏 ☝️ 👆 👇 👈 👉 Nothing Read more…