First Week of Internship

On the first day I met Dr Shawn I was briefly introduced about the company and job scopes. Then, I was given a task to study about Git because I never use it before. I take about 2 days to finish all of the tutorials. After that, I continue studying Read more…

Time is Never Enough

I thought taking few days off the week would leave me regretting for my work productivity as the time spent would not be enough. However, this week went alright. Well time is never enough of course, but this week was slightly better than some of the weeks before. I paused Read more…

Begin with the end in mind

Earlier this week I managed to get Google’s OAuth Service to work. This feature allows the application to link a Google Account to an internal login in the database and in a way, somewhat simplifies logging in (provided one has a Google Account). However, this was not perfect as the Read more…


My task for last week was to implement CORS protocol for the HTTP server on FreeRTOS with the new boards. To briefly explain, when accessing an HTTP website (server) your browser (client) is sending a request to the server (GET request) asking for data. If you’re on chrome hit F12 go onto network tab Read more…

FreeRTOS Memory Heap Problem

This week I pushed my basic FreeRTOS port onto a release branch on GIT (yay) as functionality is good. It’s very simple. It has 3 apps related to USB, FPGA and TCP/IP. The USB CDC app task maintains the state of the driver and creates another task whose job is checking the status of certain global Read more…

Of SegFaults and Compiler Errors

My progress with building web applications with Witty was kind of unpredictable. Some of the days I was able to complete most of the functionalities of a web page while on others barely anything could be accomplished. I guess this is what happens when one gets stuck in the cycle Read more…

Not as Smooth as I’d thought

Week 5. I continued working on utilizing FreeRTOS for our board as last week I had done a very improper implementation. In my inexperienced eyes, everything was working, but more and more issues were appearing. That’s when Dr. Shawn took a look at the chaos I’ve created. Basically I didn’t understand well Read more…


This week I was tasked with migrating our PIC32 code so it would use the superior FreeRTOS architecture instead of a superloop. Having no experience in FreeRTOS whatsoever I began by skimming through the first 3 chapters of documentation to get me started. Later I simply enabled the FreeRTOS third party library in Harmony Configurator Read more…