Designing a new PCB Board

This week I finish drawing my PCB design for a new board using Spartan 6 TQFP packaging and PIC32MZ. Also added a bluetooth module (HC-05) onto the new board. In comparison most of the component’s footprint for this new board is exactly the same with the previous board, only this time Read more…

Automate Bitstream: Part 3

Continued from last week, I finally manage to automate the bitstream generation. Good news that I have also fixed the problem that causes the hanging of the web application. The hanging is mainly caused by the usage of Wt::WApplication::instance()->deferRendering, because freezes the user interface. The doJavaScript() Problem What surprised me this Read more…

Code cleanup and adding features

I have been removing a lot of old JSON stuff which is now replaced with Wt::Dbo. So far, using Wt::Dbo has offered so much of convenience when adding, modifying or querying database objects, as long as you create the Wt::Dbo::Session using your database file. insertWidget at specified positions So I Read more…