Finishing Inkscape Extensions

I continued working on the the Inkscape extensions that I started last week. I worked on improving and modifying some of the functions of the extensions to make the process of creating components graphics easier. But before that, we had to design and establish a naming convention for naming the Read more…

Extracting I/Os Addresses

In this week I had to continue working in creating the Verilog top level module, to recap , for the past few weeks I have finished the instantiation of all the modules (processor, switch and some I/O devices ) needed in the top level module and started the connection and Read more…

Application Tweaks

Last week I spent most of my time studying the application and try to solve the application problem. Let us first go into the problems that I have discover in the application first. revoking the certificate twice This event is highly unlikely to occur, but there is a thin chance Read more…