Hi everyone! This is my first time to post at AESTE blog, so here is a short introduction about me:

My name is Abdullah Shamil Hashim, you can call me Abdullah or Abdu. I am a final-year student at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), studying Electrical & Electronics Engineering. My field of interest lies within computer system architecture .

What am I going to do at AESTE ?

I shall be working on an I/O processor for the AEMB as the goal is to build a system around it. Bringing this I/O processor into existence would be a major milestone in achieving that goal.

The project is AESTE-sponsored and it’s scheduled to start in 24th May, 2011 and to end in December, 2011. Engaging in this project makes me feel challenged and I like that!

The kick-off for the project would be to get familiar with the following:

  1. Stack Processors.
  2. I/O operations (mainly,  USB & Ethernet MAC).

Currently, I have the semester final examinations at UTP and will be tied up for two weeks time.

That’s all about me and my project at AESTE. If there is anything else you want to know, just drop a comment!

Stay tuned for the next post! 🙂

Categories: Experiential


Sam Ibrahiem · 2011-05-11 at 19:21

Welcome to Aeste Abdu 🙂
All the best for your finals 😉

Abdullah Shamil · 2011-05-19 at 21:02

Thanks Sam !
Nice to meet you 🙂
Keep up the good work !

Savan Vachhani · 2013-07-23 at 16:57

Hey Abdullah!
As you mention to drop a comment in case anyone is interested in your project!
That brings me here to comment!

can I have a chat regarding your work?

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