Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Hitting Turbulence

This 5th week of my internship went a little slow and underwhelming. Hurdles and retractions delayed progress and what should have been easily fixable edits ended up taking substantial amounts of my time every single day. The previous week I had covered some distance with regards to my project but Read more…

Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Warming Up

For my second week of internship I started off by completing the design of the PouchDB Database Schema and finalizing its documentation. With some supervision and minor tweaks, I was able to finish up this task at the start of the week. My internship project for these upcoming several weeks Read more…


This week we have decided to some changes to the application I’m currently working on for the better. Normally, server web applications would have a dedicated database to read, write and store crucial data. That was the case for this application as well, until Dr Shawn got the idea that Read more…