Week 9: Rpi GPIO bit banging

This week has been the shortest one since I started my internship at Aeste because we were having holidays for the Raya Aidilfitri. During the 3 working days of the week, I worked on the GPIO driver to let two raspberry pi communicate with each other. After some discussions with Read more…

Week 1100

This week was more general as I was mainly trying to optimize all the modules I did so far, cleaning codes and git. From notable things, I managed to cut the number of LUTs in ECDSA module from last week’s 2200 to 1601 while the number of slice registers went Read more…

Week 07 – Minor Modifications

The previous function of reading a sector is using a 512 bytes buffer, by doing minor modifying on the tightest loop to write into a pointer instead of a buffer. The function can read from sector indefinitely (theoretically) using multi-block read. If a read is less than 512 bytes, it Read more…

14 – Removing Icache from AEMB

My new task is to remove the Icache module from AEMB. Basically Icache holds all instructions before execution by the core. Icache acquires the instructions from whatever is holding them externally and keeps them for processing. Icache controls the Instructions WB interface through the ich_hit signal. When the processor needs Read more…

Week 4: SHA1 driver

This week, I was given a task to write a driver for the Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA-1), which ultimately produces a 160-bit of hash value. It wasn’t as simple as I thought it would be as it’s quite different from the drivers that I wrote earlier. Apart from understanding Read more…

Week 8: Remoteproc + Raspberry Pi

This week, the nature of my main task changed a little. From developing the remoteproc driver for X86 architecture I’m now required to do it for the raspberry pi which uses an ARM processor. This is because the main product of our company is not completely ready, and my supervisor Read more…

13- AEMB cooperates !

The above blinking LEDs are not regular blinking LEDs. These LEDs are connected to the output of a GPIO. That GPIO is controlled by the AEMB2 microprocessor and the AEMB2 microprocessor is fetching it’s instructions from a 16K block RAM that has been loaded with data using the DATA2MEM software. Read more…