
This week we have decided to some changes to the application I’m currently working on for the better. Normally, server web applications would have a dedicated database to read, write and store crucial data. That was the case for this application as well, until Dr Shawn got the idea that Read more…

A New Vue on Life

In any IT-based companies, your roles are often well-defined. If you are a back end developer, then you would handle the back end stuff like database management, REST API design, storage and such. If you are a front end developer, then you would handle the front end stuff like user Read more…

Dealing with HOTP

This time I’m working on the transmission of the firmware into the board. The protocol for doing so has already been established, but there are some issues. The whole procedure for this require some form of authentication for security purposes. This is done through a HMAC-based One-time Password (HOTP), therefore Read more…

Board Registration

It is time to move onto the next phase of the project. An important part of the project is the registering of the boards with the application. Basically, a JSON payload would be sent to the server, which contains crucial details such as its serial number, model name, RSA public key, MAC address and more. It is encrypted using the RSA public key of the server. The payload would reach a specific REST API endpoint, that merely does the job of decrypting the payload using the server’s RSA private key, parsing and extracting the data, then subsequently save it to the database.

Keys to the Kingdom

I continued to work on integrating with cloud storage services this week. As of now, it is important that I get something working as soon as possible, therefore my focus was to just get the SSHFS protocol to work as expected. Last week, I worked on the CREATE part of Read more…

Little by Little

I started off with the project by writing some test cases and carry out some automated testing. I didn’t understand everything that was going on at that point, but I hoped that testing would shed some light on the behaviour of the back end. The first thing to do when Read more…

The Apprentice

Hello, everyone. I have returned. Well it turns out my last post wasn’t really my last. This time, however, I’m not writing as an intern any longer. I am now a so called “apprentice”, as stated by Dr Shawn. It’s exciting to be working on a new project. The current Read more…

Clarification on Wt Session Timeout

If you used Wt, you should be aware of the  session timeout set in wt_config.xml. I think this ‘feature’ requires more explanation on it rather than When a session remains inactive for this amount of time, it is cleaned up After experimenting much with the timeout, it does not work as expected. Read more…

Leveraging on WResources

I continued to move all storage related actions to the back-end. The idea is to have a clear separation of front-end (consisting of widgets and callbacks) and back-end (handling of requests). When a complete model is built, the building blocks can be easily replicated and altered to cater for other Read more…