Remoteproc/RPMsg Frameworks

As I mentioned in my previous post, my task for this week is to study the remoteproc framework. The goal is to discover how it works because later, I’ll be implementing about the same thing. Because of the limited resource and information on this specific framework, I had to start Read more…

7-HDMI continued

I’m designing an HDMI transmitter. I often refer to XIlinx’s designs of the HDMI for demonstration on Spartan3 and Spartan6. The application notes for these two designs are very helpful especially the Spartan3 design. Moreover the coding itself is easy to understand. Here is the two application notes : for Read more…

6- Hello HDMI !!

The task at hand this week is to design an HDMI transmitter. I gotta admit it this is the most interesting project yet. HDMI is this cable that you connect between your computer and HD Display and magically high quality audio and video appears on that display. Of course it’s Read more…

Week 0100

The last week wasn’t that productive, although I still learned a lot, mainly theory, about different hashing techniques. Did you know what are “nothing up my sleeve numbers” or Chaitin-Kolmogorov random numbers? Anyway, after looking more closely at the MD5 algorithm and consultation with my boss, we decided in the Read more…

Week 0011

Miracle! The design we’ve been working on in the previous week works perfectly! Honestly speaking the main merit goes to my colleagues, as their part was more crucial (mine was just a wishbone master sending some 8-bit combinations through switches), but still, I feel relieved. Funny, I’m pretty sure I Read more…

RS 232 rx

This week i finished up writing the code for the receiver uart. My design includes a transmission register, a state register,  a status register and a few counters. This was the first time, I was using a finite state machine in my design.  My design would wait for a start Read more…

My 2nd week at AESTE

They say the first week is always the hardest. At the start of my second week, I was supposed to get the computer to read and write into an SD card by programming the PIC18F8722. After being on the receiving end of the massive scolding last week, I was being Read more…

New Kid on the ‘Blog’

This is going to be my first weekly blog post at Aeste! I just joined this company as intern. As for the first week of my internship, Shawn asked me to study Git and do some C programming tutorials just to make sure that my understanding of the C language Read more…

Week 5: SPI done!

So it has been 2 weeks since the last time I’ve blogged and a lot have happened since then. Today we just finished the design and testing of the SPI peripheral device. That includes an SPI Master and slave that are wishbone compatible and a dummy master to test those Read more…

SPI Finishing

On my fifth week here, I finished up the SPI that was compatible with the Wishbone bus. I was able to have it working for the four modes of the SCLK. I had to make many changes to the design because I did not have the right idea of the Read more…