Yeah! I just finished the first week of my internship at AESTE Works. What a great experience so far. On my first day, Dr Shawn had introduced to me about company rules and sent me a few links to study about Git. Git is the most widely used modern version control system in the world so far. Dr Shawn gave me 2 days to finish it and try all the Git tutorials to familiar with it. This is due to Git is a very important tool for us to manage our coding easier. After done all the tutorial given by Dr Shawn, I feel that Git is really powerful and it makes our code more systematic.

Two days later, Dr Shawn assigned a task for me to complete before the end of my intern period. I was so excited after I heard Dr Shawn explained the whole project. It is about a microcontroller which is not available in the current market and I hope it will be launched soon!

Everything must back to basic before start. Therefore, Dr Shawn gave me another microcontroller-PIC32 to test and familiar with it before I test with the actual microcontroller designed by Dr Shawn. Up next I try to light up the PIC32 microcontroller LED by using Mplab X IDE to program it.

This week is my first week of my internship, also is Gabriel last working week in Aeste. Thanks for the guidance given in this week. In addition, Dr Shawn also invited me to Gabriel’s farewell lunch. During the lunch, Dr Shawn shared to us about his own story. From nothing until today, he keeps on fighting what he want and finally his dream came true. I hope in future I also can be like Dr Shawn, a very successful Engineer, a businessman and a good boss. Starting from today, I will be a running man, keep looking forward, never stop and never give up.


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