Routing the board was finished last week. However, the ethernet connection looked really messy and not optimized, Ethernet connections were where I started this PCB design with. Therefore, I rotated the chip and reconnected it again, this time with a lot more care. The connection is now much better.


I managed to bill of materials which is a document that lists all the components used and their values and some additional information for purchasing and assembling the components.

There are a lot of complicated technique to import a logo/graphics to a PCB. However, in the new version the Bitmap2Component works properly so the method is very straight forward:

  1. The logo must be in form of a picture.
  2. The color of the logo must be different from its back-ground color. (this is because the next step works based by color thresholding)
  3. From Kicad main window, select Bitmap2Component.
  4. Click on Load Bitmap, and select your logo.
  5. Make sure the format is Pcbnew (.kicad_mod file)
  6. Now you can choose the size of the logo by changing the Resolution in Bitmap Info section. (changing the resolution will change the size of the logo, you will not be able to change the size later.)
  7. Click on Export and save the .kicad_mod file in the .pretty directory of your project.
  8. Now you just need to import the new model in Pcbnew and you are done.

I also had to work this weekend, it was a great experience because I worked as Dr. Shawn’s assistant in a training that he was conducting. It was a great opportunity for me to learn the technical materials being delivered and also to work with Dr. Shawn outside the office and learn a few important life lessons.

Categories: Experiential


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