Necessary Changes!!

This week was relatively short, as the end of the week was the Eid Fitri holiday yet the week was so jammed with so many things needed to be accomplished. Like the past week the tasks were kind of unrelated to each other but eventually all of them are related Read more…

Compilation Stages

This week I’m going to write about compiler, which compiles our programming code into an executable file. I believe most people have used an IDE ( Integrated Development Environment) before to compile and run their codes before, especially in the early stages of learning how to program. No doubt an Read more…

Working on Contiki OS

This week I having more explore on Contiki OS. Dr. Shawn explained on our processor architecture which gave me clearer picture what I need to do my project. Besides that, he also explained on the concept of RTOS system. The first two days, I trying to run a “Hello world” program in Contiki Read more…

Interfacing with the Simulator

Continued from last week progress, I started to port the previous debugger code and simulator code into the simulator without the web worker. For the moment, I still unable to find any drawbacks of not using a web worker. Luckily, there is no major modification on the debugger code, which Read more…