Cross Compiler

Seems that the instructions to build the GCC cross-compiler that were previously on our wiki were lost when we turned it off. So, just to keep things documented, here are the instructions that successfully compile binutils, newlib and gcc for our platform. Setup some environment variables and un-tar the archives. Read more…

9- HDMI half done!

The above picture WAS NOT made by photoshop! Yesterday night my HDMI design displayed not only a red screen but a green and color patterned screen as well! In this post I will describe the structure of my HDMI transmitter, the outcome of my testing and finally the features that Read more…

Week 0111

After a week of struggling RC4 seems to be ready and operating, here are some results: The key sent by a master (here it’s simply “Key” wrapped many times, creative isn’t it?) Then the message that needs to be encrypted (here “Plaintext”, yet again cunning) And finally the result ! Read more…

Week 4: Setting up the test bench continued

It is almost unbelievable that it has been a month since I joined Aeste. This week has been my least productive week so far because I’d been trying to resolve non-important but work-hindering problems. During week 3, I managed to compile the remoteproc framework independently and the last thing that Read more…

Taylor’s Engineering Fair 2013

I was invited to be an external judge at the Taylor’s Engineering Fair 2013 last week. I was assigned judging for their Capstone Project Prize, which is essentially a culmination of all the student’s knowledge. While most of the teams were quite okay, I was disappointed with several teams who Read more…

Week1: Spartan-6 Configuration Interfaces

Another week, another intern. I started on 28 June and was told by my supervisor that I’ll be working mainly with Jia Xien in contributing to the hardware and firmware aspects of Aeste’s current project. After going through the basic tutorials on Git and C, I dove right into my task of the week: researching and weighing configuration interfaces for an FPGA. If you’re feeling an onset of TL;DR-itis, feel free to skip to the last paragraph.


Week 3: Setting up Linux kernel Test Bench

My task for this week is to compile the remoteproc framework, and setup its test bench. After analyzing the framework’s source code, I figured that it cannot be compiled as a modulable framework/driver. This means that I’ll have to compile the whole kernel in order to test the framework. To Read more…

Week 0110

Time flies when you’re having fun. Sixth week has come to an end which means I am officially halfway with my internship. As for the SHA1 let pictures speak for themselves. And as a proof the results from wikipedia I also started working on RC4 stream cipher algorithm. It seems Read more…