Z: More Than Distance

Programming is bridging the gap between what the code does not and what it should do once it’s complete. Yet there is the age-old adage that code is never complete. It only gets close and then you realize greater potential for improvement—which means you start over from that point on. Read more…

LEGO, toys and office.

Today, looking at all those codes and documentation of LLVM, it really brings a child out of me. I don’t know why, I feel like I want to play with LEGO toys. When I read todays newspapers report about National Robotics Competition 2011, kids as early as what? 7 years Read more…

Coach & Grow

Seems like there is a new programme from Cradle – the only pre-seed fund available in Malaysia. They seem to only go after the serious entrepreneurs, which is a good thing. CGP Introduction View more presentations from cgpprogram Disclaimer: Cradle is an AESTE client. That said, I do think that Read more…

Farewell Makan #2

Two of our interns will be leaving us by the end of August. It’s tradition here to treat everyone to a farewell makan when people leave. However, since August will be Ramadhan, we had to bring forward the farewell so that everyone could partake in it. For the farewell makan Read more…

Trivial Do/While Loop

A trivial do/while loop is an useful technique in C programming to make a multi-statement macro. Consider the following multi-statement C preprocessor macro and if-statement with two branches: #define aemb(x) { do_this(x); do_that(); } if (x > y) aemb(x); // Branch 1 else aemb(y); // Branch 2 Compiling these codes Read more…