There is an interesting article in TC recently, about how it is now an excellent time to join startups. Just to note that AESTE is HIRING NOW.

Quoting the article:

Today, most interesting technology is built directly for end users and it is a crucial skill for an engineer to understand quick iteration based on user feedback, however complex the technology. Increased technology and distribution leverage means that in the future, smaller teams are going to build higher impact things and being able to build an end to end solution as part of a small team is going to be a necessary skill. A startup is an ideal environment to develop your career for the future as far as both these aspects go.

People usually consider making big decisions in terms of what they stand to lose or gain. But often times, the cost to consider is that of an opportunity not taken and a decision not made.

So here’s my admittedly self-serving advice to all engineers working at large companies: Yes, it is a comfortable job. You probably don’t have to work very hard. There are lots of people to keep you company. But think about the cost of staying.

The time is now . . . to join a startup.

Categories: Vox-Populi

1 Comment

First week at AESTE. – AESTE | engineering elegance · 2011-06-21 at 16:41

[…] Well, how did I end up here at a start-up company when every colleagues of mine all chasing those big multinational company such as Shell, DHL, Dell, Sony, Erricson and etc, you name it. Here is an interesting blog entry by Dr. Shawn Tan, the Director of Aeste Work (M) Sdn Bhd, why engineers are better off joining startups. […]