My name is Uzair and I am a third year Electrical and Electronics Engineering student. Today marks the 6th official day since I began my internship at Aeste.

Coming from an engineering background, I was given study material that took about 6 weeks to complete prior to the commencement of my internship. Yet still, from my very first day of office, I could tell that I have a long way to go and far too much to learn before I can be content with my level of expertise,

My target for this week was to design a distributed database schema for one of the projects being undertaken by Aeste. Once the schema has been successfully designed and implemented I shall be continuing my work on the project for the subsequent several weeks.

Even though this week’s goal was made simpler thanks to the extensive documentation written by previous internees, and the vigilant supervision of Dr Shawn, I still have had to struggle a fair bit and am still not entirely complete with my goal for the week and am thus working past midnight to ensure I complete my task before the deadline.

In a nutshell, I can positively say that it feels like I can grow a lot through this internship and I hope I can endure through all upcoming challenges to succeed in whatever is yet to come.

Categories: Experiential


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