How to control I2C?

This week I’ve fully completed I2C master and slave and tested them by simulation. Having been over that I’ve moved to learning C++ object oriented programming to write the code that creates the system top level code. There isn’t much to say about C++ so I’ll use this blog post Read more…

I2C Revisited

Finalizing I2C continues. Finally the master is fully functioning but tested only through simulation. Here is the Features of the master: Clock Synchronization and Arbitration. Detection of a busy bus. Supports Arbitration loss. Handles Slave induced waits. Capable of repeated start and back to back reads and writes. Future Improvements: Read more…

I2C core

I2C is the last IO device going into our system, for now. I2C is more complicated than both UART and SPI. It’s complication is due to it’s ability to have many masters and slaves on the same bus. Moreover, having only one bidirectional line(SDA)  for data transfer adds to it’s Read more…