AEMB FreeRTOS Two Threads Testing

This week, I set my mind on understanding on the switching of tasks inside FreeRTOS on the latest AEMB with two threads. From previous week, it was found that there was an infinite loop which act upon the second thread while the first thread will continue with FreeRTOS and all the tasks for the older AEMB. So, for the newer AEMB with interrupts enabled for both threads, this loop might show some effects. For this time’s experiments, each will be Read more…

Swarm Simulations, Quadcopter Design

This week the focus was given on trying to develop a simple simulation to test out one of the algorithms discussed the previous week. The algorithm used to try out the simulation was the Uniform Dispersion algorithm. Some work was also done in the aspect of a proposed design for the quad copter considering that newly assembled ones could be used in the event the hacking of the toys isn’t as successful. The development of a demo for multi-agent communication Read more…

AEMB Multithread Dissection

This week main project is to port FreeRTOS to the newer AEMB. In the previous weeks, the AEMB processor only fully utilizes one thread. It was the older version and the newer version actually fully utilizes two threads. I was instructed to make the necessary changes so that FreeRTOS will work on both of the two threads. First of all, what are the main differences between the old AEMB and new AEMB? The main difference is the interrupts. On the Read more…

Creating the Task class

FreeRTOS was created using C. C++ offers something more than C, which are object oriented and inheritance. This is shown by the usage of class. By using class, users can create their task by simply creating the object of the class. To implement the class, I need to understand the definition of class and its properties. Class is like data structure, except that it can contain functions. So, each object created from a class will not only has the same Read more…

[Revisit] Upgrading FreeRTOSV8.0.1

As it turns out, there was some redundant things that I did during the upgrade to FreeRTOSV8.0.1 for AEMB2. What I did wrong last time was that I added the commits from upstream into the git repository. This was actually not required as the commits from upstream can be viewed by checking them out in the upstream itself. Since the commits were added, the git history for AEMB2 repository became extremely long and had more than 700 commits which took Read more…

Integrating FreeRTOS with C++

FreeRTOS has been using C language as its base programming language ever since it started. So, we decided to try using C++ with FreeRTOS. One of the advantages which C++ provides to FreeRTOS is the usage of class. By using class, users can supposedly create task with less syntax and coding lines. First of all, a class.hpp header file is to be created which will contain the class information of the task creation class. This is to separate the class Read more…

Swarm robotic algorithms, more hacking and a new quad copter

This past week was a great struggle to try to get the quad copter to talk back to the Arduino. As discussed last week, the Arduino library DZL was tested with the NRF24L01 but the quad copter could not bind with the Arduino, or rather with the communication protocol set up with the Arduino. So a few debugging techniques were applied to the library to find out exactly how it works and where the binding process fails. Adding to that, Read more…

Code Compilation

As mentioned in the previous post, the AEMB code has to be updated. The AEMB Demo code needs to be able to run on the latest FreeRTOS V8.0.1. There are a lot of changes since V7.1.1. and these changes need to be implemented on AEMB as well. First of all, FreeRTOS V8.X.X have change the names assigned to typedefs within the core FreeRTOS code. This can be referred from AEMB will need to change the relevant names to accommodate Read more…

Learning to talk to each other

So after receiving my communicators last week, I finally got the shipment of the Arduino Uno, and yeah I know that it is in fact a cheaper Chinese clone of the Uno, the schematic and on board chip are the same, so I think its fine to test with this board for now. The NRF24L01 is a nifty little radio communicator but I have had next to zero experience with radio communcation so I thought it would be wise to Read more…

Updating FreeRTOS v7.1.1 to V8.0.1

The version of FreeRTOS currently being used by AEMB is long outdated and has not been updated since two years ago. The version used is V7.1.1 while the latest version is already V8.0.1. Therefore, it is time to update it. Working on a cloned git repository from AEMB FreeRTOS repository, the first thing to do is to fetch the latest revisions from the FreeRTOS upstream repository. Since the current version is V7.1.1 which contains up to revision 1750, the fetching Read more…