RTOS result

There are few results that had been obtained to testing the performance of the RTOS. Compare the relationship between instruction cycle used for initialization with different optimization level in different type of RTOS For initialization OS, FreeRTOS is much more higher than Contiki. The is due to there are a Read more…

Context switching in FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS capable to run multiple tasks by using tasks switching method. Scheduler is the kernel who doing the task switching operation. The scheduler will changing the task into running state when it is require. But when the yield, block or suspend functions is called, the scheduler will switching other task Read more…


Last week, I found that the value pxCurrentTCB is different from the instruction address of my task created. After discuss with Dr Shawn, he told me that the value of pxCurrentTCB should be different from the instruction address of task created inside elf file. The pxCurrentTCB is holding the stack address Read more…

Stack pointer in FreeRTOS

This week I am trying to implement the stack initialization to the system. Other than that, the FreeRTOS required programmer to make functions to save and restore context of the system during tasks switching. Every tasks in FreeRTOS required to save into the stack. The task is assigned to the Read more…

Starting FreeRTOS

This week I trying to port another RTOS to our microprocessor. The purpose to learn this OS because it usually run preemptive operation in event scheduler. Same as Contiki, FreeRTOS also a RTOS design for small and memory constraint processor. Currently, FreeRTOS had successfully ported to plenty of microprocessor which consist products of Altera, Read more…

Contiki and FreeRTOS

Last week, I am still doing on contiki’s functions testing in my new porting microprocessor and platform. After 1 week plus of function testing, the basic functions are working in my porting microprocessor and platform. The process in contiki OS called protothread. All of those protothread are scheduled in cooperative manner. Read more…

Running Tasks with Contiki

In contiki os, there are a lot of functions predefined in the core file. During programming in contiki os, programmers require to follow the contiki programming style to create their own code. These functions are PROCESS_BEGIN(), PROCESS_END(), PROCESS_YIELD() and so on. All of the functions have its own uses but some of it only Read more…

Compilation Dummy Contiki

This week I am working on dummy contiki OS to be compile using RISC V compiler. During compilation, there are a lot errors prone. Most of the errors happened during typo occur in the code, such as #if but without #endif, without semicolon in the ending code and so on. Besides that, Read more…

Working on Contiki OS

This week I having more explore on Contiki OS. Dr. Shawn explained on our processor architecture which gave me clearer picture what I need to do my project. Besides that, he also explained on the concept of RTOS system. The first two days, I trying to run a “Hello world” program in Contiki Read more…

First week of internship

This is the first week internship in Aeste Work (M) Sdn. Bhd.. The first day, Dr Shawn introduced the project background to us and I will work on the operating system of the project. The first and second day, I am practicing on using GIT tool for programming. GIT able Read more…