Introduction to Chip Design

I am officially in the midst of my internship now, and decided to try something new to me, which is chip design. I was given the tools of Atyls Spartan 6 FPGA development board for the development of chip design. The Xilinx ISE tool There are many documentations provided by Read more…

Memory Mapped I/O and Port-Mapped I/O

Completion of Timer Interrupt This week, I had been working around with the timer interrupt, confirmed that the timer interrupt mechanism is actually correct after storing and restoring the 32 general registers that had been discussed previously. RISC-V control status register ISA only works around with the registers, but not Read more…

A Deeper Look on RISC-V Angel

This week, I had really a hard time with RISC-V Angel. It started with finding the bootloader code from the RISC-V Proxy Kernel, as the bootloader is the primary program/codes that needs to be load up before the main program actually runs. I searched all over the proxy kernel code and Read more…

A Step in the Debugger

Debugger After trying on the break point implementation last week, I decided to work on interface with Sumia and Islam’s code. As pre-discussed with my supervisor, the simulator should be the back-end engine and should not have any visible interface in the Web Application. In order to ensure things going Read more…