This week was very interesting and yet tiring one! I wrote my networking c++ program and began to understand how machine interacts with each other. That involved too much researching and reading. and most of the time I ended up closed lines.

I spent the first few days on researching networks and how to transfer files generated in one machine to another machine which will use it as an input. I wrote my first server and client applications, that moment was an epic one. Though it’s very simple it worked perfectly with no faults or bugs.

On the morning of the third day, Dr.shawn, my supervisor, told me that what I’m coding is full of security holes and very risky even for using in internal network. Then He instructed me to switch my attention to Http file transfer as it’s far more secure and easier.

Http stands for , hypertext transfer protocol, which is structured text that uses logical links(hypertext) containing text between nodes. For my good luck there was built in functions in Web Tool kit that wraps objects as an http text files and sends through the network. I spent the next 2 days working on this functions to get them do what I need.

The last part of my week was to start working on the bit generator program, which deals with the .bit file generated from the SocSynthesis program, which I wrote the previous week. I managed to accomplish half of the tasks required, but I stoped at the crc_16 check. Since I had no idea about I had to do a little digging to find out how to approach it. At the end I stopped at this step.



Thanks, I hope I see you sometime soon.

Categories: Experiential


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