I came to the office on 25th June, I was introduced by Dr. Shawn around the office and how to login to the computer I will be working on for this week. And after some tutorials by him, I was able to login to the computer and access all the internal and external websites that I will be using during my internship program.

After that, I was given four tasks which includes learning git and git flow, read the online C tutorials, try to blink the LEDs on the PICDEM.net 2 board and lastly to create a WordPress account for posting my weekly report. While creating a WordPress account is a menial task, reading the tutorials on git and C involves a lot of reading, testing and understanding since git is new and theC tutorials on data structures are new stuffs to me. It took some time but I am glad that I learnt how useful C is.

The task on blinking the LEDs is a bit difficult since I need to Google up myself on how to actually use MPLAB and how should the C script looks like to blink the LEDs. I ended up looking through the Microchip manuals and they are very useful, but it turns out I couldn’t find the function and library for the delay function so I ended up using the <timers.h> library given by C18 to write my own delay function.

Upon finishing all my tasks in the evening, I made a mistake for not immediately reporting to my supervisor. I ended up being given a ‘good lecture’ by my supervisor, and he gave me my next task which is to read and write from and to SD card using the PICDEM.net 2 and PIC18F97J40. He also explained on the whole project in a bigger picture and which are the parts that I will be dealing with. He also explained to me the basic flow of how to interface with the SD card using SPI and showed me the source code that the previous intern did on this project. After that, I spent the rest of day looking into the SD card, the SPI and trying to understand the source code that the previous intern did.

This roughly concludes the things that I had done in the first week and I would really like to say that the diversity and multi-cultural interns in the office is a very good experience for me, not to mention that I was able to work with interns from the best universities all over the world. This will be a great learning experience not only in the engineering field but also in the cultural differences in different countries and different oversea universities.


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