Visual Diff

As an open source hardware shop, we have to contend with some serious limitations when it comes to source control tools. However, this person has come up with a way to do visual diffs of circuit schematics and PCBs using existing tools. All the we need to do is to Read more…

ASH1: Another Milestone

It’s always nice to have a meeting at AESTE. It charges you up and gives you the necessary motivation. If you want to get motivated … AESTE should be your destination where you can see ambitious people pursuing their passion.. For the next phase of my work on ash1. It’s Read more…

ASH1: FPGA proven!

It has been a while since my last blog … I was busy with my exams and university issues  for about a month. So, here we come again to talk about ash1. Since I have started working on ash1, I was anxiously waiting for the day where I can write Read more…

Welcome Lunch

I was being informed that my blog posts were too technical until a point that it bored the readers. I felt pity for my supervisor, because he needs to read through all my dull blog posts before publishing them. The reason that I prefer to blog technical stuff is that Read more…

uCLinux: Processes in kernel

Processes can be classified as either I/O-bound or processor-bound. As the name suggests, the former is a process where much of the time is spent in waiting for relatively slow I/O operations to complete. For instance, a process taking input for a word processor will be I/O-bound as it spends most of its time Read more…

LLVM: Compiling FreeRTOS with LLVM (Part 2)

Continue from my previous post, LLVM: Compiling FreeRTOS with LLVM (Part 1). Anybody who might have some basic skills in programming, creating Makefiles especially, must be laughing hysterically if they come across and read my previous post in this topic. When I google the phrase “Compiling freertos with llvm” or Read more…

Village Base Station

Guess what? It’s powered by AESTE technology. Yeay! Shareable recently covered a group of residents of Jalalabad, Afghanistan who built their own open-source wireless network from junk and everyday household items. For the less-industrious yet DIY-inclined, the Village Base Station (pdf) is a low-power, easy to deploy tool developed by Read more…

uCLinux: Multitasking in Linux kernel

Multitasking operating system is a software that offers interleave execution of more than one process. It is capable of executing several processes concurrently and therefore giving an illusion of parallelism in the view of user abstraction. Multitasking operating systems come in two flavors: cooperative multitasking and preemptive multitasking. In cooperative multitasking, a process does not stop running until it is Read more…

LLVM: Compiling FreeRTOS with LLVM

It is about two more weeks before my internship at Aeste ends. Yesterday, I finished my task of cleaning up LLVM floating points instructions and cache instructions. What I did was just hunt all these unwanted instructions inside AEMB target directory files and remove it without damaging the files or Read more…