New features and Improvements

Browsers compatibility Last week, I found out that a crash occurred when using Mozilla instead of Chromium browser, which was caused by a memory fault. I was passing a variable from one session to another in the application: In chromium, there was no issue as the first session was destroyed only after a timeout set in wt_config; In Mozilla, the session was immediately destroyed without timeout as the user exits the session. Anyway, my method of retrieving the variable was Read more…

OSI with PIC32 and LAN8720

This week I continue testing the board. Trying to fix the OSI layer of PIC32 with LAN8720. Studying different board behavior with same code I first started with programming the rest of the board with the same code and realize that the current board I am using have a different behavior compare to the other 4. In other words, with probability and statistic the board I am currently using should be faulty while the other 4 are fine, with that Read more…

The Final Task

This week is my last week of work as a part time engineer. I focused on the previous task that had been given, which is to develop a simple Verilog design. The Final Task Since the last task is to design a Verilog module, which I have not been doing it since the demosaic modules. Just like what I previously done, I drew out the circuitry that I am going to infer on using Verilog, and examine the signals. The design Read more…

Touch Sensor to SPI

My progress is very slow as I merely managed to complete one module, which is the sensor module. The sensor finally worked on the simulator. Whenever the touch pad is clicked, the sensor will detect and return HIGH. The user can then perform any actions based on the output from the sensor. The next module I am working with is SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). SPI is basically used for communicating with one or more peripheral devices quickly over short distances. Read more…

Wt Auto Configuration

On Monday, my boss stated how important it is for an application to be easily set up, without the need for user to define ports, address and configuration files. Confusion and havoc will ensue when we leave things to the hands of the users. Therefore, an auto-configuration logic would need to be embedded inside the app startup itself. So, i re-read the WServer API and found out about setServerConfiguration, which is executed in main() body. It accepts the arguments passed Read more…

Some Configuration Problem..

This week, new task had been given, which is to design a testing circuitry for the new board that arrived! Wiki Documentation Most of the time I spent is to write the wiki of the project that I had been working for months. Surprisingly I found that some of the wiki that had been done previously was incomplete, and I have to edit them. Then the task continue to write the wiki using markdown language which is pretty straightforward. Code Read more…

The board has arrived!

This week I test the board that I design. The details of the board are explained in previous post, my first objective would be to be able to program the PIC32, confirm the osciallator is working, able to communicate with a LAN8720 to have internet connection. Programming PIC32 To program the PIC32 of the board is fairly simple, with just a PICKIT3 (since I;m programming the board through ICSP). The hardware connection can be refer to Microchip: Programming & Diagnostic. Using Read more…

Improving the Code Editor

After two weeks of work absence, I am finally back. This week, I worked together with my colleague Peter to debug the product and also improve on its functions. A weird thing happened although we were using the same codes, which is:- Wt.emit in browser unload event Peter seemed to be able to emit a signal to the WApplication during the browser unload event which was 100% unsuccessful for me. The only thing working for me was an ajax request. Read more…

Completing the sensor module

This week I was suppose to work with MSPI (Master Serial Pheriperal Interface), however I didn’t manage to complete the sensor module. So I had to continue with it this week. The digital touch sensor I created was incomplete as it is unable to be used like the sensors in real world. So this week I have to complete it’s function. For digital sensor, my idea was creating another rectangle to represent the touch pad, so that whenever a user Read more…

Adding Modules to the Simulator

Last week I have understand the whole project system, so starting from this week I will begin to start my task — Implementing IO modules into the simulator. Dr Shawn advised me to start with the easiest modules, which is the sensor modules. Sensor modules are easier comparing to other modules as their functions are just detecting events or changes in real world, then provide a corresponding output to the device. I started my task with Digital Touch Sensor TTP 223. Read more…