Now that my week 3 has passed, I would say I am not as clueless as before. I have shown my previous week’s work on witty application with backend WResource to Dr Shawn. Subsequently it was followed by a session defining my aims in the project I have been assigned. I am supposed to initially make cloud storage work as the client’s permanent storage, while the two other portions of the project will be incorporating other projects to mine.

With remaining 10 weeks in hand, I have to manage my time right. So for the first week of the project I had decided to read about APIs, various cloud storage policies and licenses. The only problem faced is that there are some available libraries from these cloud storages but they are anything but C++ and definitely far away from witty (Wt). I had to learn and understand about OAuth2.0 and how its access tokens work to make it a convenient process for the end-point user to log in. OAuth 2.0 is faster, easier and optimized for security for both the resourcer and the client.

The state I got the codes in, had some bugs where the sign in page only shows up but had no functionality. Although it is quite hard to understand codes that are not yours, I am taking in bit by bit, skimming through portions I need to work with at a time. I have managed to make the Log In page function and redirect to a sign in prompt. I have yet to make the backend work- that will be my goal for the following week.

In this week, I also received a highly informative Intellectual Property Talk by Dr Shawn. This gave me a clearer idea on how things work around in AESTE and several similar companies which use open source softwares. It is always interesting to learn new things.

And lastly, three more interns had their last day in AESTE. It is always sad to see people leave. It was really great to work around and get to know Jon Mun, Zheng Yi and Ryan for the three weeks that they were around.


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