OpenSSL Self-Signed Certificate

We are currently trying to develop a simple web application to generate, revoke and renew self-signed certificate.The challenge i have been assign is to design a better user experience to smoothen the process of certificates. The figure bellow shows the rough sketch of the user experience when processing certificates. first, Read more…

Week with Witty

THe progress of learning Witty this week is very slow, i merely scratch the surface of the entire Witty framework. What i did in this week was mainly exploring the widget in Witty and the concept of http request and response. I did not go through every single widget in Read more…

Learning Witty

Witty is a very large library that consist of different specific function a good web application will need. In this week I tested some of the function and try to create very simple function, like an application form of sorts. The structure of code in Witty is very different from Read more…